A man's journey to find....
A Story of women healing women through Christ.
Their was a retreat being held in New York for women recovering from the wounds of having an abortion. These were not physical wounds but mental and spiritual wounds that needed to be healed.
At this retreat they had an unusually high number of attendees around fifty plus. As part of the healing process the women walk around with 3 pounds rocks representing their burden and during any part of this journey the women were to write something on the stone to their child and put the rock at the feet of Jesus.
At the end of this retreat they had all 50 rocks at the foot of Jesus cross. The nuns who ran the retreat were left to figure out what they were to do with so many rocks. They decided they would go to a nearby lake and throw the rocks into a lake.
As the sisters were throwing the rocks into the lake they were spotted by two ladies walking in the park. They asked the sisters what they were doing.
The sisters explained what these rocks represented and the two women continued on their walk.
Several years later one of the women came to the convent and spoke to the sisters. She began to explain that she had seen them throwing rocks into a lake several years ago and was moved. She began to further explain that she was at the park with her friend discussing whether she should have an abortion. Upon running across the nuns and seeing the burden of many women and how they were still healing, she decided not to kill her baby.
She then introduced Peter her son to the sisters.
I find this story touching in many ways. Initially you see the strength of the women coming and asking for forgiveness and how they each attain God's unconditional love.
The second was being open to God and becoming an instrument of God. Even in throwing rocks into a lake he uses us when we are not aware.
Lastly, the fruits that are attained through his love although we may never see them.
Whether its being forgiven, healing us, living your faith, being open to his will, being in the moment or just bringing life into the world God loves us all unconditionally and uses all of us to get that across.
So today pray for the women and children of abortion. That God loves them both equally and pray that all have an option to live with God grace and not let fear get in the way of life.