Do you Believe?
In the Late 1990's I was a seminarian studying at a Benedictine Monastery on the top of a mountain. In my 3rd year I was assigned the charge of giving tours of the Abbey Church. One Saturday Morning I was giving a tour to a group of pilgrims. We toured the Abbey and the residence, and finished at the Adoration chapel. I instructed the group to observe silence at all times in the Chapel. I let them pray for a few minutes then we exited the Chapel. A young Muslim man asked me what that was in the gold vessel on the alter. I said that as Catholics we believe that Jesus gave us his real body and blood at the Last Supper to the 11 apostles in the upper room and that Jesus was truly present in the Most blessed Sacrament. He stared at me for a few moments and finally said,"If I truly believed that My God is truly present in that room, I would NEVER leave that room!" I had no response.